
Tuesday, December 1, 2009

total slacker

i would like to go into a long, detailed story about what i've been doing for the past week that i've been too busy to blog about but i just don't have the time. so hang tight, hopefully i'll get to it in another day or two. and i wanted to participate in post-it note tuesday but i barely have time for that either.


MommyLisa said...

I am here and just CRACKED UP at your tagline.

Hope life slows down enough for a pina colada.


The Princess of Sarcasm said...

Hello. My name is Princess and I am a blog slacker too. I imagine my slackness will be pretty consistent through the at least I have THAT going for me. ;)

Ducky said...

Hey LIFE! I second that motion..... S L O W D O W N....

Working Mommy said...

I am not a fan of champagne...but I'll do vodka or rum...but I'm sure we'll get along just fine :)

~Working Mommy
Come on by, stay for a while and leave a comment or two!!

Jessica said...

Take a breather! I've been quite busy lately, too and I'm attempting to learn to slow down - hopefully you can too! :)
