
Thursday, September 2, 2010


i was pretty young when my grandparents moved "to town" from the farm. maybe around 7? i don't remember. what i do remember is my anxiety about sleeping in their basement at the new house. on the farm, we slept upstairs. not "upstairs" like the ground level, but the 2nd floor. it was awesome. we had a little window we could look out and see for what felt like miles. it was the prairie after all. it was the bedroom (and the 2 twin beds) that my dad and uncle grew up in. the beds were moved to the basement in the new house but it wasn't the same. after that, the only time i was excited to sleep there was winter because that meant we got to use electric blankets. i'm from texas, y'all, so electric blankets are still pretty uncommon to me.

i rarely had nightmares as a child. in fact, i only remember one and that's probably because it was a reoccurring number. this nightmare first made its debut while i was sleeping in the basement. i never woke up remembering much about it other than a woman (who honest to god looked like the evil version of mary poppins) breaking down the door from the kitchen to the stairs leading to the basement, knife in hand, coming to kill us all. it was scary as shit! i can't remember if i ever even told anyone about this dream when i was little. i'm pretty sure in my little kid brain, i thought if i talked about it it would really happen.

now, believe it or not, 20 years later i still have that dream from time to time. i would say that i probably remember having it less than once a year. but the fact that i have it at all is so bizarre to me. i don't have any other reoccurring dreams. i have the teeth dreams all the time but the circumstances are always different in those. i've never had the same teeth dream twice. i'm still pretty terrified by evil mary poppins, too i wonder if that will ever go away?


Jenners said...

Visiting from Mama Kats...

Oh ... that is a little scary. And funny that it followed you into your grown-up life. Somewhere, an evil Mary Poppins is waiting for you...

JUST KIDDING. Sweet dreams!

Shelley said...

Wow, I understand about freaky dreams. I had them a lot! Have you perhaps ever seen this video of Mary Poppins gone bad? It's pretty funny but I'm curious to see what you think :-)