
Monday, August 31, 2009

the return of sunday funday!

after taking many months off, i planned a sunday funday for yesterday. we went to brunch at taverna at 11:00. i wasn't overly impressed with the food but i only had scrambled eggs and bacon. the eggs weren't runny though, which i was very excited about! we stayed there for a couple of hours then went to cedar door for a couple of hours. i had a blast sitting outside and talking/laughing with everyone. alison, dana and i left around 3:00 to go eat ribs at my sister's house. we mostly just wanted to go hang out with nels, who gives high fives now! he's just getting cuter and cuter every day. he still doesn't say anything that sounds like stefanie but he sure does talk about his coco and papi ALL the time when they're not around. last night when dana and alison had walked outside to leave, nels pointed his finger outside and said, "dana!" whaaa? he barely knows her. haha!

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