
Friday, March 19, 2010

preparedness at sxsw

whenever i go to music festivals i like to be as prepared as possible without lugging too much shit around. so, what's in my sxsw bag?

point and shoot camera
flip video camera
excederin migraine
crazy straw
iphone charger
extra hairbands
antibacterial hand and face wipes

yesterday i ran into some friends at the fader fort. jacob asked if i had an iphone charger on me and i was like, "duh!" so jacob, jen, a stanger, and then some other random friend of jacob's all juiced up their phones a bit. i like to think that i saved the lives of 4 people yesterday.

this is jacob and jen geeking out over something lost related on jen's phone. in the background you can see an outlet with a charger plugged in to it. it was super convenient because they were already sitting in that spot when i found them and there just happened to be an outlet present! 

after i was going on and on about how prepared i am, i spilled almost an entire drink down my leg and into my shoe. jen's response to that? "how's that for prepared"? haha oops!

1 comment:

Jenn said...

One of my friends has this charger that takes AA batteries. He's a cyclist and goes across states (small ones, like Iowa and shit) and he takes it with him because its so small.

I want one.

Also, I would probably never think to bring the wall charger and I would be that girl asking every stranger if they had one. You should have charged people.

That's IT. Next year set up a botth