
Monday, September 12, 2011

fires, weddings, showers...

as many of you are probably aware, we had some pretty serious wildfires in the central texas area last sunday. we had to evacuate my house and i was gone for 2 nights. i wasn't home when the sheriff came by to evacuate us so all i had was the clothes on my back. i had to go to work on monday wearing the dress and sandals that i had worn to brunch the day before. it was a cute outfit but weird to wear to work where i do. but i digress, everything is fine for us and i ache for those less fortunate it than we were. 

in october i have a couple of weddings to go to that i'm really looking forward to attending. then there's alison's bridal shower! and then in november sometime is alison's bachelorette party. ahhh! so much going on but it's all good stuff so i'm very excited. and of course the wedding in december!

this weekend is the austin city limits music festival. i bought a one-day pass for sunday a loooong time ago but have since decided that i cannot attend. even with the temperatures in the mid-high 90s instead of 105+ it's just too hot for me to spend a day outside. i will be miserable and it could honestly cause me a lot of pain and discomfort for several days after. i'm a bit bummed because i haven't been to the festival in 4 years and some of my favorites acts are playing on sunday but i just can't do it. damn fibromyalgia.  

and while i'm mentioning all these weddings i might as well tell you about the amazing wedding that is taking place in february. my wonderful friends jason and lisa are getting married and i could not be more excited for them. i'm also excited because i get to hang with some out of town weddings guests that i love dearly. it's going to be a wonderful weekend for sure! 

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