lab employee: are you ready to go now?
me: i think so.
lab employee: okay because if you don't have enough you have to sit here and wait until you do. i had a lady earlier who was here for 2 hours before she could provide enough.
me: okay. i'll try.
he hands me a cup and tells me that he needs a certain amount of urine in the cup. he draws a big line on the cup and tells me that i need to fill it up to said line.
i go to the bathroom and only fill the cup about halfway to the line that he drew. i thought, "great, now i'm going to have to sit here for 2 hours until i have enough pee to give to this guy." i walk out and tell the guy, "i guess i need to drink some water and hang out for a while because i didn't have enough..."
he takes the cup from me while i wash my hands and when i turn around he has my "specimen" in a smaller tube like container.
lab employee: you have just enough!
me: really? awesome!
lab employee: yeah, it just barely made it. so is your hair naturally curly?
LMAO ~~does the curtain match the drapes~~ is what he was really asking
Thanks for that. I needed a good laugh. Congratulations on the job, even if it's just something to do while you look for something better.
I can tell you some nightmare stories from when I worked at G&R...I used to have to administer said piss a bunch of sweaty men who don't speak the english.
vomitus erruptus.
I'm DYING reading this!
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