
Wednesday, June 30, 2010

do you have 100 spare pennies?

i've been creepin' on summer's blog for a while now and when she posted that she was collecting donations for her papa's medical expenses, i knew i had to give something. i know too many people who have had bitter battles with cancer to ignore their plea. i know i don't have many people who read my little ol' blog but i thought i would repost this anyway, in case just one or two of you feel inclined to help in any way.

Dollar for My Daddy ~
If you would like to send my father a dolla dolla, 1 Washington aka 1 dollar bill, you can do so by sending it directly to me. I will then be able to keep track of much how he is going to receive so that I can match the amount of volunteer service hours to the amount of dollars received.  Does that make sense?  No?
If you have no clue what I am talking about, here is what I am thinking:

Send my Father a Dollar Campaign

Why? Because he is out of work due to the oil spill and is driving back and forth to his cancer treatments each and every day. Gas is expensive and money is now tight.  2 hour trip means an hour each way 7 days a week.
What will you get out of it?  You will instantly feel good about yourself and Summer, that's me - will in return a) send you a thank you note. b) match the amount of volunteer service hours to the amount of dollars received and c) will start training to run a 1/2 marathon next April for Lung Cancer.
Extra Info:  Please do not feel obligated. This is IF YOU CAN do it.  Times are tough for a lot of people right now. Some can use it more than my Father.  

Info that you need is below:

214 Front Street
Apt. 4A
NYC, NY 10038

Or send a buck through paypal to

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